We spoke to Developing Consensus Chair, Adam Serfontein, about MIPIM 2019 which took place from 12-15 March 2019 in Cannes, France.
Is MIPIM Europe still the premier platform for the property and investment sector?
MIPIM Europe is undoubtedly the largest and most effective gathering for investors and developers seeking to enhance their position in the UK and beyond.
What sets it apart is that it not only involves the investment and development community, but also the public and private sectors.
Did this year’s show maintain the standards set so far?
The standards were improved this year. MIPIM Europe marked its 30th anniversary, so it’s good that it has stayed fresh and effective for this length of time.
There are more towns and cities collaborating to promote regions, making it easier for investors and developers to deal with an area rather than individual places.
The Invest Newcastle stand was supported by over 30 private sector partners, but also supported by Durham and Gateshead which was very effective.
Can you measure the levels of interest shown in regional schemes?
It’s very difficult to quantify in the short term but the schemes that were presented by Gateshead, Durham and Newcastle were all very well attended.
The initial level of interest seems to be very strong but the success of MIPIM is more about what happens when we get back.
One message was ‘Stronger Together’ for cities and regions within the Northern Powerhouse do you agree?
Whilst the Northern Powerhouse is important to the North East, what is absolutely critical is that the public sector and the private sector in the seven local authorities continue to work more closely together year on year.
It’s not a case of ‘Stronger Together’, it’s a case of ‘we absolutely must work together to achieve regional success!’
Against this background, where does this place Developing Consensus?
I think this places Developing Consensus in a strategic position – to be part of the glue that holds us all together.
As a private sector member organisation with public sector associates, we are all enthusiastic about the success that we can achieve when we work together.