Led by Sandra Manson (Pegasus Group) and Helen Marks (Youngs RPS) along with the support of the Developing Consensus Planning Steering group, Developing Consensus has made key strides forward in collaborating with local planning authorities to communicate the needs of the private sector within the region’s planning processes whilst also working to understand how applicants might facilitate the work of the authorities.
Towards the end of 2021, Developing Consensus conducted a survey looking in-depth at planning within the region in order to share anonymous feedback from individuals and companies with the North East’s local authorities.
Since collating the results, key members of the steering group have met with authorities across the Tyne and Wear area to initially share feedback and offer the services of Developing Consensus as a sounding board and a collaborative partner with the intention of arranging follow up discussions and events.
All of the authorities that have been involved in the discussions to date have been incredibly receptive to the feedback and to ongoing collaboration.
The group is hoping that by June they will be able to provide an update on progress, and will have already influenced the beginnings of real change within the North East’s planning sector.
To join Developing Consensus’ Planning Steering Group or to share your thoughts and insight, please contact Sandra Manson on Sandra.Manson@pegasusgroup.co.uk.